The "Forged Carbon Collection" Cigar Case
Innovation is what drives the brand. Not all cigar cases are created equally. The @w.r.roth forged carbon case was uniquely designed with a focus on superior quality, function and style...yet equally, if not MORE important, protecting your precious investment!
The exterior of this beautiful piece is made of the highest quality forged carbon, an extremely rigid and strong material used in the construction of space crafts and the world's most expensive exotic cars. The @w.r.roth forged carbon case is the FIRST and ONLY three finger forged carbon cigar case in the world! Its also the first to utilize resilient, scent free and fully rebounding foam, a breakthrough design created by W.R. Roth to keep your smaller vitola cigars protected from sliding back and forth inside the case and alleviate the potential for a cracked wrapper due to excess movement!
Each piece comes with 3 inserts you can cut to size to accomodate and protect your favorite cigars regardless of length to ensure the perfect fit! The Forged Carbon collection comes in your choice of Gold or Silver logo and is ONLY available at